Arnie Sherman

Board Member

About Arnie Sherman

Arnie Sherman’s experiences as an entrepreneur, trade negotiator, strategic advisor, college professor and as the host of podcast, radio and television programs give him a singular perspective on life and the business world. He worked extensively in Russia, launching the first private representational firm in the Soviet Union, and later negotiating the U.S. – Russian Trans-Siberian Express Rail Service joint venture. Arnie has helped finance infrastructure projects around the world. To date, the list of countries he has visited either for work or for pleasure totals more than 100.
Arnie has founded six companies and has provided strategic advice to senior management at Marriot, bioLytical Laboratories, CSX, Ferrari S.p.A. and Maersk/SeaLand Shipping, among others. He’s lectured and spoken widely, providing a dynamic, authentic voice on current affairs. Arnie’s “Can Do” podcast on National Public Radio poses thought-provoking questions about how and where entrepreneurship intersects our daily lives.

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